ABOUT Vivian Evans

I am An Innovator : A collaborator : A synchronous Learning Expert
I love new ideas along with learning and applying new skills. Nothing is more exciting than brainstorming strategies to help solve a problem or creating something new - Coming up with real, practical and innovative solutions.
I have been labelled an Innovator and an early adopter. In fact I have been the subject of a PhD study on Innovation. My passion is “Making it Happen!”
My partner and I have been living off the grid for almost 30 years, just 20 minutes out of the beautiful community of Coonabarabran NSW. Together we have built our own place, developed an extensive garden and raised our gorgeous girls amidst 100 acres of native Australian bush.
It was a change in employment almost 20 years ago that enabled me to realise that I could be connected to the world wide web whilst living ‘out bush’ - connecting via my phone line and my laptop. A professional development opportunity came up that engaged me from my home office in a synchronous (same time live text chat) with teachers in Melbourne and fellow students across NSW and WOW! The way we connected with text was all through code and really weird but the team who engaged it made it fun and I recall laughing with tears at the scenario of our final virtual party. (I will share that story another time) This experience changed the world for me and lead me on a very exciting career trajectory!
At the time I felt somewhat isolated working from a home office connecting to teams over 2 hours away. Very different from engaging classrooms and working closely with colleagues, which I had only just left. With the online experience - All of a sudden I found connection and also had time and space to do ‘deep work’ in my home office, on learning and creating new skills and knowledge in this new online environment.
From that point I kept seeking opportunities to engage myself and my teams in learning online. In 2009 I was asked by my line manager (having stepped back into the classroom) to step up for the NSW Quality Teaching Award. To do this meant I had to reflect on my teaching career and push through quite a gruelling process - this in the end became the reason why I took up the offer as I saw it as a great learning and reflective opportunity. One part of this process was to create a one A4 page Career Map - It was quite a challenge to fit it on one page… At the time I was quite passionate about the many facets that had brought my career and teaching skills to that point. It clearly wasn’t a straight forward path and I used one of the mind mapping tools I was exploring to demonstrate this. Here is the result.

Of course the learning and the Career Map continues to expand and I daren’t try and fit the added dimensions to one page! But it goes to show some of the many ways I have developed skills and experience.
Here's a super brief summary of some key changes...
In 2016, after over 18 months of deliberation, I took what felt like a very scary step to leave the classroom again (along with regular permanent wages) and engage in new exciting trajectories for my career. I was feeling somewhat stagnant and uninspired and I needed to make a big shift.
In 2017 I launched my own website and relocated to a business office in the town of Coonabarabran.
Through 2017 - 2019 I was the Community Development Coordinator for 2357 Partnerships Inc. on a contract basis and thoroughly enjoy this role to support and grow my community of Coonabarabran and surrounds.
In 2019 I registered and founded Dark Sky Innovations as a business name focused on enabling rural businesses and communities to THRIVE through innovation and collaboration.
In 2020 I launched an exciting new chapter facilitating GooseChases where I bring together a skilled team who provide a variety of services and excitingly host engaging collaborative events through virtual GooseChasing to enable rural communities and businesses to thrive. Think ‘Amazing Race’ crossed with ‘Tic Toc’ and ‘Treasure hunts’ using your mobile device and you are coming close to an amazing concept we facilitate to connect tourists to the gems in rural communities and festival goers to fully engage with festival events, locations and other festival goers.
I love the flexibility and opportunities of working in my own business and connecting with amazing people across the rural and regional sectors of Australia!
Especially collaborating with small business owners providing innovative and online technology strategies to help your businesses grow.
I am a founding and now Life member of THE Rural Woman online community and delight in hosting the monthly community networking lunch and being part of THE Rural Woman's dynamic team.
I look forward to connecting with you online or in person. Contact me if you want to explore and discuss options for me to collaborate with you to “Make IT Happen!”
Vivian Evans