Key Skills for Effective Online Meetings
A Short Course

Video recording of LIVE@Lunch session to see the type of hands on engagement you can expect.
You can join our meeting focused discussions on 'Connecting Teams Forum'
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Are you needing to meet with team members and business partners across distances but challenged by time, money and wear and tear on vehicles just to be at these meetings?
Effectively facilitated online meetings can save YOU and your team valuable time and the expense of being on the road. Saving you the risk of accidents and wear and tear on your vehicles and give you your valuable time back to be with family or investing time into you and your business!
What we are offering at Vivian Evans is a specially designed short 4 x 1 hour course to up-skill you and/or members of your team to step confidently into trying online meetings.
SEE Video for the current special offer for the October 10th course!
In fact we take you on a 4 hour fun live and engaging journey over a month with bonus resources and connections that gives you resources, skills and key tips to effectively facilitate online meetings. We show you how you don’t need to make a big investment in technology and the best thing is you don’t need to leave your home or business office to do it.
What would I gain from this short course?
Importantly connection and personal training with Vivian Evans, a highly experienced and qualified online facilitator who has worked from rural NSW to connect with not for profit organisations across Australia.
An opportunity to explore, experience various tools useful for online meetings.
Essential tips and strategies to engage participants effectively in a live online environment.
Access to resources to adapt to your own business or organisation.
Exploration of some of the more affordable webinar hosting rooms.
Increased confidence to facilitate your own events and/or strategies to partner with someone.
Training and delivery from your own home or office with options for a day or evening course.
Course Details
Series of 4 x 1 hour live online webinars
Access to all recordings of live sessions
Handouts for each session for key notes and resources to consider for application to your own business/organisation focus
Bonus resources to to adapt to your own needs
Join in our online Forum focused on Meetings to connect at any time.
Evening Course : Live sessions Tuesdays 7pm - 8pm October 10th, 24th, 31st
Where: Online - details to be sent on registration
Course Content overview
Week 1 : 'Setting the Agenda' - Course overview, Using Google Drive, Agenda Template and engaging the template as an effective meeting management tool
Week 2 : - 'Letting everyone have their say' Technology tips for facilitating the live virtual environment & utilising the resources available to you; how participants can have their say in the virtual room, voting in polls
Week 3 : 'Rules of engagement' Keeping to Time, Tips & Strategies for report sharing Meeting Etiquette tips, Is there a need for rules? Controls in the virtual environment
It's all in the Minutes - What to record and when to distribute.
Week 4 : Exploring further options for virtual meetings places - Skype, GoToMeeting, Zoom and more. Comparing prices and features of different tools to meet your needs & your price range.
Your commitment - Getting the most out of this course
If you want to gain the most out this short course I encourage you to do the following
Block out the live session times with 20 minutes before and after so you are prepared and have time to reflect on your learnings immediately after the live session finishes.
Make sure you have printed the handout related to the session and ready by your side for the live session.
Log in the virtual room 15 - 20 minutes prior to the session going live. Test your audio and video so you are comfortable or are aware of what works and doesn’t.
Have notebook, pen/pencil & water ready for each session.
Do your best to ensure you have a quite space & minimal disruption for the session so you can engage with focus.
Engage in the Meeting Forum between live sessions.
$ 220 (Inc GST) - 10% Discount offer for 2 or more participants from one organisation.
Want a tailor made course for your team only? Then contact Vivian Evans via the contact form in the website footer below. We can adapt a course to suit your team's needs.